Product Designer



About Sean

My journey began as a teenager in the late 1990's, when I ventured into 'web design' - an alluring new realm of the internet that allowed anyone with a keen design eye, a little knowledge of coding, and a geocities domain to flourish. Now, 20 years later, I've made my rounds from web design, to print design, to advertising, to product design. And my journey has just begun.

I've had the wonderful fortune of working with many huge, global companies including Volkswagen, Jaguar, Land Rover, Callaway Golf, Toshiba, Yamaha, Valve, HTC, and more.


After 5 years of working on local clients in Southern California, I teamed with a small print design & pre-press company, Graphic Industries. GrInd looked to combine their print knowledge with my web design & development to add to their growing roster of clients, and in turn I learned print design. Towards the end of my stay with GrInd, we beautifully merged our expertise by expanding into variable data printing.

My biggest projects while at GrInd revolved around Jaguar & Land Rover, working on print, OOH, and car brochures. My newly gained expertise opened a massive door at DeutschLA, an annual pick for top-10 best advertising agencies in the U.S.

In 2010, shortly after Deutsch had won Volkswagen, I was hired to join the VW team, working on car brochures and the redesign of After a year, I transferred to the HTC team, where I designed print, OOH, digital, and social media campaigns for a number of new phone releases.

Feeling the need to flee Los Angeles, I moved in the summer of 2012 to Seattle, spending the first several years freelancing, including my longest stint at Valve. For nearly 3 years, I worked on the Steam team, helping to refresh their current UI, art directing a new trading card system, and concepting & designing bi-weekly & annual promotions.


After finding out a baby was on the way, it was time to go legit and stop freelancing. I found myself looking for Product Design or UI Design roles, and landed at Zonar, a big-data and telematics company.

I'm currently a Principal Product Designer, building elaborate design systems for a web-based application, and a suite of Android-based tablets.